Everylang Pro 5.9.0 Full Version
Aplikasi yang membolehkan anda menterjemah teks ke lebih dari 30 bahasa. Ia menggunakan servis dari Google, Microsoft dan Yandex yang membantu untuk menterjemah teks ke bahasa yang dikehendaki. Penterjemahan, semakan ejaan dan pertukaran layout berfungsi dalam sebarang program seperti browser, editors, MS Office, Skype dan lain-lain. Everylang Pro 5.9.0 Full Version.
- Translation into more than 30 languages. The program uses the services of Google, Microsoft and Yandex, which help to translate texts into any desired language.
- Spell Checking: Spellchecking with text selection and Ctrl + F7.
- Switch layouts. You can switch the layout of the last word entered or selected text.
- Indicator of the current input language. You can turn on the indicator of the current input language at the mouse pointer and at the position of the text cursor.
- It works in any programs. Translation, spell checking and layout switching works in any programs: browsers, editors, MS Office, Skype, etc.
- Clipboard. View clipboard history, manage it and other features.
- A diary. View the history of typed text in all applications.
- SmartClick. The most necessary functions for working with text with the mouse.
- AutoCorrect. Quick insert text templates by pressing a hot key.
What’s New:
- Added translator DeepL
- SmartClick has changed the F1…. F9 to buttons 1…9
- Improved layout switching
- Improved OCR
Supported OS:
- Windows 7 / 8 / 10
How To Install:
1. Ekstrak files
2. Just use it
3. Done.
Download Here:
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