Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere 8.9 All Editions Full + Crack

Full Version

Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere 8.9 All Editions Full Version

Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere adalah penyelesaian BitLoker pertama di dunia dan hanya untuk Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home, Windows 8 Core and Windows 7 Professional Editions. Dengan ia anda boleh menikmati hampir semua fitur BitLocker Drive Encryption dalam edisi Windows ini. Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere 8.9 Professional/Enterprise/Technician Full Version.

Why You Need to Encrypt Drive with BitLocker Drive Encryption:

Microsoft doesn’t enable the BitLocker Drive Encryption feature in Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home Edition & Windows 7 Professional Edition, so we cannot use BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt hard drive & USB flash drive in these editions. Fortunately, you can use Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere to encrypt volumes with BitLocker Drive Encryption in these editions of Windows.
Allow user to choose used space only encryption or full drive encryption
Allow user to choose compatible encryption mode (AES-CBC) or new encryption mode (XTS-AES)
Allow user to encrypt Windows partition and data partitions


Decrypt BitLocker Encrypted Drive
With Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, you can Decrypt BitLocker Encrypted Drive in Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home Edition & Windows 7 Professional Edition.

Change Password for BitLocker Encrypted Drive
With Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, it becomes possible to change password for a BitLocker encrypted drive in Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home Edition & Windows 7 Professional Edition.

Export BitLocker Recovery Key & Startup Key
With Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, you can export BitLocker recovery key or startup key (.BEK file) from a BitLocker encrypted drive.

Easily Lock & Unlock BitLocker Encrypted Drive
With Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, you can easily lock or unlock a BitLocker encrypted drive.

Editions: Professional / Enterprise / Technician

Supported OS:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64bit only)


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
4. *C:\…\Hasleo\BitLocker Anywhere\bin
5. Done.




Download Here:

64bit ⇒ [82.2MB] Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere 8.9 All Editions Full | Mirror

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