Parted Magic 2023.08.22

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Parted Magic 2023.08.22

Parted Magic 2023.08.22 – Adalah aplikasi yang mempunyai banyak sekali manfaat termasuklah untuk Partitioning, menyelamatkan data dari windows yang korup atau tidak boleh boot up, cek kesihatan disk dan lain-lain. Anda tidak perlu install Parted Magic 2023.08.22 kerana ia adalah operasi sistem Linux yang stand alone. Apa yang anda perlu buat hanya burn ke dalam CD untuk menjadikannya bootable dan kemudian boot PC dari CD tersebut.


Disk Partitioning
PartedMagic has the tools to get the job done. With the Partition Editor you can re-size, copy, and move partitions. You can grow or shrink your C: drive. Create space for new operating systems. Attempt data rescue from lost partitions.

Disk Cloning
Clone a computer’s entire disk or a single partition. The cloned data could be saved as an image-file or as a duplicated copy of the data. The data could then be saved to a locally attached storage device, an SSH server, a Samba Server, or a Network File System share. The clone file can then be used to restore the original when needed.

Data Rescue
PartedMagic allows you to easily reset or change Windows passwords. Recover lost files. Rescue files from devices with disk read errors.

Disk Erasing
PartedMagic comes with easy to use solutions for conventional overwrite. Internal Secure Erase. Wiping of only Free Space.

All the benchmarking tools you would ever need! Bonnie++, IOzone, Hard Info, System Stability Tester, mprime, and stress.

No Installation Required!
PartedMagic is a stand alone Linux operating system. Runs from a CD or USB drive. Nothing installed.


What’s New:

Supported OS:

  • Windows






Download Here:

Part 1 ⇒ [1.0GB] Parted Magic 2023.08.22  | Mirror
Part 2 ⇒ [1.0GB] Parted Magic 2023.08.22  | Mirror
Part 3 ⇒ [128.2MB] Parted Magic 2023.08.22  | Mirror

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