Plagius Professional 2.7.43735.1 Full + Crack

Full Version

Plagius Professional 2.7.43735.1 Full Version

Plagius Pro adalah software penyemak plagiarisme desktop yang menganalisis dokumen yang mencari plagiarisme yang disyaki dengan mencari di internet atau dalam fail tempatan. Ia adalah tool untuk membantu dalam tugas sukar mencari plagiarisme, membolehkan anda dengan mudah mencari ayat yang disalin terus dari websites atau fail lain dalam komputer anda. Plagius memeriksa dokumen pelbagai format (Word, PDF, OpenOffice, HTML, RTF, plain text…) dan memaparkan laporan terperinci, memaklumkan rujukan yang ditemui, kekerapan kejadian di Internet dan peratusan plagiarisme yang disyaki. Plagius Professional 2.7.43735.1 Full Version.


Easy to use
It is very simple to use: choose a file and start the analysis!

Local Search
It allows you to search similarities in files from your computer or network shares, click for more.

Batch Search
Too many files to analyze? No problem, with Plagius Professional you can add all files at once and let the Plagius analyze them all.

Scan a page on the internet
If the text you want to analyze is on a website, page or blog, with the Plagius Professional you can enter the URL and the program will search for similar passages on the internet.

Supports multiple file formats
The Plagius supports Word files (doc and docx), PDF, OpenOffice, PPT, Html, RTF, plain text…

Your work is safe
The Plagius does the analysis locally, on your computer. Your work is not sent to be analyzed remotely.

Quality Results
It has exclusive algorithms that improve the quality and reliability of the result.

What’s New:

  • Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Supported OS:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
4 *C:\…\Plagius
5. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [104.6MB] Plagius Professional 2.7.43735.1 Full | Mirror

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