TSplus Advanced Security Ultimate Full + Crack

Full Version

TSplus Advanced Security Ultimate Full Version

Lindungi pelayan aplikasi dan desktop jauh anda dengan hanya beberapa klik. Sekat penggodam dan lindungi infrastruktur IT anda dengan ciri keselamatan yang paling berkuasa dalam satu tool keselamatan siber yang komprehensif TSplus Advanced Security Ultimate Full Version.


Advanced security software to protect your servers!
Our unique cybersecurity software provides the fundamental protection every remote server administrator needs and more. Activate up to seven measures and set the right level of security for your network. When you use remote desktop to allow your employees to work from home, reduce your attack surface and increase your peace of mind with the powerful features of TSplus Advanced Security.

Even a failed brute force attack can negatively impact your server performance! Brute Force Defender stops brute force attacks quickly. No more thousands of failed login attempts for your server. Using a combination of whitelisting and failed login attempt limits, it rejects brute force attacks before they become a problem.

Easily manage IP addresses from one place with a single list for both blocked and whitelisted IP addresses. This means that all 1TP14T, 1TP16T and Brute Force detected are centralized for you to check, edit, add or delete at your discretion. IP address lists are searchable, making it easy to manage addresses.

Ransomware Protection
Ransomware is the most serious of modern cyber threats. TSplus Advanced Security Ransomware Protection will effectively detect and block any ransomware attacks! Get an instant alert as soon as suspicious activity is detected on your system and check that all programs and files are automatically quarantined. You can easily create backups and restore them with one click!

The Permissions dashboard displays a list of users and groups side by side, as well as a list of available folders and files. Everything is visible in one place, making it very easy to Inspect (Security Essentials) and 1TP24T (Ultimate Protection) privileges for one user at a time, increasing the accuracy of restrictions.

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Open task manager > tab services > stop “TSplus Advanced Security Service”
4. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program

*C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus-Security

6. Jalankan BlockHost sebagai admin
7. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [15.4MB] TSplus Advanced Security Ultimate Full | Mirror

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