Longtion AutoRun Pro / Pro Enterprise Full + Keygen

Full Version

Longtion AutoRun Pro / Pro Enterprise Full Version

AutoRun Pro ialah tool visual yang berkuasa untuk mencipta interface dan persembahan autorun (autoplay) profesional untuk CD/DVD anda. Ia adalah cara paling mudah untuk mencipta, mengedit interface autorun (autoplay) profesional dan menjana fail autorun untuk CD/DVD dalam persekitaran WYSIWYG, cuma klik, point, letak dan uji (jalankan). Jadi semuanya visual, cepat, mudah. AutoRun Pro mudah dipelajari, dengan demo dan wizards anda boleh bermula dalam beberapa minit sahaja! Longtion AutoRun Pro / Pro Enterprise Full Version.


Completely Visual – No programming required
AutoRun Pro features a completely visual drag and drop environment. Simply add content such as photos, videos, music and text to your forms and position them using your mouse. We’ve even included lots of extra content like backgrounds, panels, buttons, sound effects and more to get you started. From opening documents, to running programs, viewing websites and sending email, it couldn’t be easier!

Form Templates and Object Templates
One of the features which makes AutoRun Pro so quick and easy to work with is the included library of ready-to-use form templates and object templates. To apply a template simply select it in the template list, AutoRun Pro will do the rest. All you have to do is substitute your content for the placeholder content and publish. AutoRun Pro templates guarantee professional autorun CDs for anyone, in just a few clicks!

Most of the templates were built with Shape objects and Note objects instead of background images. So you can resize the objects and change the Color, GrandientColor and GrandientStyle properties of the objects to change the form style after you load the templates.

Built-in CD/DVD Burner
Whether you prefer to distribute your projects via CD-ROM, USB stick, the internet, AutoRun Pro makes it a breeze with the handy Publishing Wizard. With just a few clicks you can generate all the files you need to get the job done quickly and correctly. AutoRun Pro can even directly burn your autorun CDs or create ISO CD image files without any need for external CD burning software.

AutoRun Pro Enterprise

  • A completely visual drag and drop environment. Simply add content such as photos, videos, music and text to your forms and position them using your mouse. We’ve even included lots of extra content like backgrounds, panels, buttons, sound effects and more to get you started. From opening documents, to running programs, viewing websites and sending email, it couldn’t be easier!
  • Includes 40 built-in object types. You simply add them onto a form and then edit their ‘properties’ and ‘events’ to customize them however you want. You’ll be able to layout your graphic user interface as fast as you can drag and drop!

What’s New:

  • Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Register guna keygen
4. Block program dengan firewall
5. Done.





Download Here:

⇒ [9.5MB] Longtion AutoRun Pro Full | Mirror
⇒ [15.8MB] Longtion AutoRun Pro Enterprise Full | Mirror

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