Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 Full + License

Full Version

Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 Full Version

Total Commander Ultima Prime ialah koleksi software dan set tetapan tersuai yang dikumpulkan dalam satu pakej pemasangan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan Total Commander (pengurus fail). Salah satu aspek yang paling penting dalam komputer ialah anda sepatutnya dapat mengurus fail dengan cepat dan mudah. Sudah tentu, Windows Explorer sentiasa menjadi pengurus fail default bagi sesetengah orang, manakala yang lain sentiasa memilih Total Commander. Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 Full Version.


A thorough setup process
Ultima Prime is a very nice improvement of Total Commander, where you have additional features available, that will help you organize your files and folders more efficiently. The installation process comes with several steps in which you can configure some aspects of Total Commander, so take your time.

A friendly interface you are used to
The interface is as user-friendly as Total Commander has always been, only having new features included. On the top of the window you have a lot of buttons, so that you can access a feature by making one single click. Style can be selected from one of the steps you take in the installation process.

Equipped with everything you need
The good thing about Total Commander Ultima Prime is that it comes bundled with all sorts of useful plugins, so that you won’t need any other software. For example, you can add/remove programs, access autorun, CD/DVD burning, e-mail, virtual disks, a web browser, Notepad++, TeamViewer, Universal Extractor, uTorrent, Virtual Dub, and many others, but also be able to shut down or restart the computer.

Putting no stress on your computer
The software is great overall, but it doesn’t give you the possibility of selecting the exact plugins you want and don’t want to install, and most people are not interested in using everything an application (in this case, a file manager) has to offer. Nevertheless, Total Commander continues to use less CPU and memory than Windows Explorer, and that “feature” is always welcome.

What’s New:

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan License ke folder program
4. *C:\…\TC UP
5. Done.





Download Here:

⇒ [917.4MB] Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 Full | Mirror

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