Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (x64) Full Version
Imej yang lebih baik! Penyuntingan gambar terperinci, lukisan kreatif dan reka bentuk profesional: Wujudkan semua idea anda dengan Xara Photo & Graphic Designer! Dari kolaj foto hingga mencetak dokumen dan karya seni digital: Dapatkan hasil yang mengagumkan dengan pantas! Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (x64) Full Version.
Revolutionary Photo Handling
Photo & Graphic Designer’s photo handling beats other graphics programs on many fronts.
All The Creative Tools You Need
Photo & Graphic Designer offers all the tools that a creative designer could need for illustration and text handling.
Productivity & Useability Benefits
Photo & Graphic Designer is famous for its speed and unrivalled ease of use, making it not just a highly productive tool, but a pleasure to be creative.
Compatibility With Industry Standards
Photo & Graphic Designer is used by many different types of customer in a spectacular range of uses – for designs combining drawings, text and photos, for print and the web – so we understand how important it is to offer compatibility with other products and users.
Paragraph Borders & Backgrounds
Some great new styles, perfect for headings or highlighting paragraphs of text. You can have borders either with or without backgrounds. Includes control over border style, color and width and background color.
Tab Leaders
Support for tab leaders (at last!) to make your documents such as menus and programs look that little bit more professional.
Photo Panoramas
A collection of significant improvements to the built-in panorama tool.
Other Text
- You can now move embedded objects round in text by simply dragging them – a small usability improvement that will be a great time saver.
- 42 new Google Fonts offer new and interesting typography options (top 3 Lexend Giga, DM Sans and Crimson Pro).
Import / Export Filters
Improvements to the key existing import and export filters:
- PDF import and export
- Word import and export
- SVG import and export
What’s New:
Supported OS:
- Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64bit only)
How To Install:
1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Exit setelah selesai
4. Copy kandungan patch ke folder program
5. *C:\Program Files\Xara\Xara Photo Graphic Designer\17
6. Apply patch
7. Done.
Download Here:
64bit ⇒ [174.4MB] Xara Photo & Graphic Designer Full | Mirror