Advanced Installer Architect 20.6 Full + Patch

Full Version

Advanced Installer Architect 20.6 Full Version

Advanced Installer adalah tool pengarangan Windows Installer yang berguna untuk pentadbir dan pemaju yang membolehkan mereka untuk dengan mudah membina pakej MSI dipercayai. Windows Installer menjadi “de facto” teknologi installasi software pada Windows. Menjadi preinstalled pada sistem operasi terbaru Microsoft, dan juga digabungkan dengan pakej produktiviti (Office, dll) yang paling popular software installer ini memberikan sejumlah besar fitur berkuasa yang meningkatkan pengurusan aplikasi dan pentadbiran. Advanced Installer Architect 20.6 Full Version.

Feature :

  • Businesses around the globe, large and small, save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by taking advantage of the expert knowledge built into Advanced Installer.
  • User-friendly, completely GUI driven, with no scripts to learn, no databases to edit and no XML to write.
  • Develop with wizards, import existing IDE projects, integrate into automated build tools and source control systems.
  • Hundreds of powerful features ready to use with just a few mouse clicks. Tons of functionality configurable for your installers.
  • Fewer incidents due to improper installers. Enjoy reliable installers crafted with great attention to detail.
  • Included updater, launcher, bootstrapper, trialware, serial validation, dialog editor, additional languages, and countless others.
  • Robust installers based on standard Windows Installer technology offering rollbacks, patches, auto-updates, etc.

What’s New:

Supported OS:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10


How To Install:

1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Exit setelah selesai
4. Copy kandungan patch ke folder program
5.*C:\…\Caphyon\Advanced Installer 20.6\
6. Apply patch sebagai admin
7. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [165.4MB] Advanced Installer Architect 20.6 Full | Mirror

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