DeepL Pro 3.1.13276 Full + Crack

Full Version

DeepL Pro 3.1.13276 Full Version

DeepL Pro: lebih pantas, lebih selamat, lebih baik. Lepaskan kekuatan penuh penterjemah online terbaik di dunia untuk anda dan pasukan anda. Cubalah terjemahan mesin terbaik di dunia. Terjemahkan teks dalam mana-mana dan semua aplikasi di komputer anda. Cara terpantas dan termudah untuk menterjemah adalah menggunakan DeepL. DeepL Pro 3.1.13276 Full Version.


Data Confidentiality
Your texts are deleted immediately after you’ve received the translation.

Enhanced translator
Unlimited web translator use & fully-editable translated documents.

CAT tools
Translators can integrate DeepL’s translations into their favourite translation software.

API access
The DeepL API plan allows developers to create new apps on top of DeepL’s translation quality.

The World’s Best Machine Translation
DeepL’s neural networks are able to capture even the slightest nuances and reproduce them in translation unlike any other service. In blind tests pitting DeepL Translator against the competition, translators prefer DeepL’s results by a factor of 3:1. DeepL also achieves record-breaking performance according to scientific benchmarks.

Your Data is Secure
We guarantee DeepL Pro subscribers that all texts are deleted immediately after the translation has been completed, and that the connection to our servers is always encrypted. This means that your texts are not used for any purposes other than your translation, nor can they be accessed by third parties. As a company based in Germany, all our operations comply with European Union Data Protection laws.

Translate Whole Documents
With DeepL Pro, you can translate an entire document with one click. All fonts, images, and formatting remain in place, leaving you free to edit the translated document any way you like. Get started today and let DeepL Pro translate your Microsoft Word (.docx), PowerPoint (.pptx), and text (.txt) files. Further formats coming soon!

API Access
If you sign up for the DeepL API plan, you will be able to integrate DeepL’s JSON-based REST API into your own products and platforms. This allows you to incorporate the world’s best machine translation technology into a variety of new applications. For example, a company could have their international service enquiries instantly translated by DeepL Pro, greatly simplifying business procedures and improving customer satisfaction.

CAT Tool Integration
Freelance translators, translation agencies, language service providers, or corporate language departments can all benefit from using DeepL Pro, the world’s best machine translation technology, in their CAT Tool.

Supported OS:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Skip login, exit setelah selesai
3. Exit juga pada taskbar
4. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
5. *C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\DeepL\3.1.13276
6. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [117.4MB] DeepL Pro 3.1.13276 Full  | Mirror

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