F-Secure Freedome VPN Full | RePack elchupacabra

Full Version

BOX_Freedom VPN

F-Secure Freedome VPN Full Version

Merupakan Virtual Private Network (VPN) yang senang digunakan dan tidak memerlukan masa yang lama untuk bersambung pada virtual location yang anda pilih. F-Secure Freedome VPN melindungi anda dengan menyembunyikan alamat sebenar IP dari sites yang anda lawati, menjadikan anda anonymous tanpa ada sekatan terhadap websites yang dilawati. Internet service provider (ISP) tidak dapat melihat aktiviti online anda. Terdapat 25 lokasi virtual yang boleh dipilih untuk mengakses kandungan yang disekat dalam negara anda sendiri. F-Secure Freedome VPN Full Version.


Easy To Use
With FREEDOME VPN, online privacy is as simple as the click of a button.

Personal VPN
Your traffic is encrypted, so your internet service provider cannot see what you do online. Your real IP address is hidden from the sites you visit, so you can be anonymous.

Wi-Fi protection
Your Internet connection is secured so that no one can hack it, even when you use public Wi‑Fi.

Virtual location
Choose from over 25 virtual locations to easily watch and access content that is not available in your own country.

Tracking protection
Stop advertisers from tracking you and making money at the expense of your privacy.

Features Of RePack (KpoJIuK):
Type: installation
Languages: Russian, english, multilanguage
Activation: trial reset
Optional: import Settings.reg

Features Of RePack (elchupacabra):
1. Work in the eternal trial period mode
2. Optional ability to preset the program during installation
3. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
4. Removed the module for sending bug reports
5. Picks up an external settings file settings.reg (if located next to the installer)

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy FReset ke folder program
4. *C:\…\F-Secure\Freedome\Freedome
5. Jalankan (sentiasa) FReset sebagai admin
6. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [75.9MB] F-Secure Freedome VPN Full | Mirror
⇒ [47.4MB] F-Secure Freedome VPN RePack(KpoJIuK) | Mirror
⇒ [50.7MB] F-Secure Freedome VPN RePack(elchupacabra) | Mirror

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