FixMy10 2.1.4
FixMy10 adalah sebuah aplikasi komputer untuk memperbaiki berbagai masalah pada Windows 8/10. Seperti masalah pada asosiasi file, dan masalah pada fungsi Windows. Aplikasi ini akan mengembalikan pengaturan/registry yang terkait dengan asosiasi file dan fungsi Windows yang telah dirubah oleh virus, malware, atau hal lainnya yang menyebabkan error. FixMy10 2.1.4.
Repair file associations
Helps you to improve file associations, and restore them to their original state eliminating errors when running files with certain extensions.
Improve Windows functions
Helps you fix problems with Windows functions, including Task Manager cannot be opened, System Restore cannot be used, among others.
Desktop and File Explorer – such issues as Explorer not starting automatically, inability to change Desktop Icon Settings and icons or thumbnails not appearing can all be fixed. Folder view settings can also be reset here.
Internet & Connections – reset such items as the Windows Firewall, Internet Explorer settings, and Internet Protocol, and Fix the Windows DNS Cache.
System – Here you can fix Windows Search, the shutdown menu hibernate option, new device detection, Script Host Access, and System Restore
What’s New:
Supported OS:
- Windows 8 / 10
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