Hetman Data Recovery Pack 4.7 All Editions Full + Keygen

Full Version

Hetman Data Recovery Pack 4.7 Unlimited / Commercial / Office / Home Full Version

Pek pemulihan data lengkap dari Hetman Software: lapan tool pemulihan data dengan harga satu! Hetman Data Recovery Pack mengandungi semua yang anda perlukan untuk memulihkan semua jenis maklumat dari semua jenis media penyimpanan. Pek ini terdiri daripada lapan tools yang boleh anda jalankan pada komputer yang sama atau berbeza. Hetman Data Recovery Pack 4.7 All Editions Full.


Hetman Partition Recovery
Hetman Partition Recovery will reliably restore information from damaged FAT and NTFS disks, recovering the original file and folder structure. In addition to existing partitions, the tool discovers all previously created volumes. This allows the user to search and recover files from those deleted volumes. The tool can save the entire logical drive, recovering the original file and folder structure.

Hetman NTFS Recovery
Hetman NTFS Recovery restores information that goes missing after a storage accident. Formatted and repartitioned hard drives, deleted partitions, inaccessible disks or simply a bunch of deleted files and folders – Hetman NTFS Recovery can recover everything as long as the problem concerns an NTFS volume.

Hetman FAT Recovery
The tool will effectively restore information lost after a system accident, firmware malfunction and user error. Supporting all versions of the FAT file system including FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32, Hetman FAT Recovery is designed to recover files and folders from hard disks, USB pen drives, and all popular memory cards including the latest mini- and micro- varieties. In addition, the tool can recover information directly from many models of digital cameras, tablets, mobile phones and audio players.

Hetman Photo Recovery
Hetman Photo Recovery recovers digital pictures from all types of storage media. Undelete photos from hard disks, recover from USB drives, or restore from formatted, corrupted or inaccessible memory cards – Hetman Photo Recovery can do all this, and more. The tool can even recover pictures directly from the smartphones, tablets and many digital camera models. Simply connect your device to the computer via a USB cord and run Hetman Photo Recovery.

Hetman Office Recovery
Hetman Office Recovery is designed to help when your office documents go missing. Implementing a range of highly sophisticated low-level disk analysis algorithms, Hetman Office Recovery can retrieve the missing documents even if the disk is corrupted, inaccessible, or does not appear as a drive letter. A special extra-safe recovery more is available for heavily worn and physically unstable devices.

Hetman Excel Recovery
No matter what caused the loss of data, Hetman Excel Recovery can handle it. Formatted and repartitioned hard drives, inaccessible memory cards and unreadable flash drives are routinely encountered and taken care of by Hetman Excel Recovery. Got a hard drive covered with bad blocks or making unusual sounds? Hetman Excel Recovery offers a special extra-safe recovery mode to handle physically unstable devices, maximizing your chance of successful recovery.

Hetman Word Recovery
Hetman Word Recovery recovers lost and deleted documents in Microsoft Word and Open Office formats, Adobe PDF files and many types of plain text files. Supporting all types of storage media, Hetman Word Recovery can extract documents from FAT and NTFS volumes.

Hetman Uneraser
Hetman Uneraser quickly recovers deleted files and folders from just about any kind of storage media. Hard drives, memory cards, external storage, USB drives – you name it! The tool will reliably recover accidentally deleted files even if you used the “permanent delete” function with Shift + Delete, and restore data cleared from the Recycle Bin.

Eight Tools for the Price of One
Get the full pack of data recovery tools for the price of one! The total cost of tools included in this bundle and one year of priority customer support is close to $600 if purchased separately. By ordering a package deal, you will be getting all eight great data recovery tools for only $149.99 – a 65% savings compared to the total cost of individual licenses!

Ultimate Convenience
Are you a fan of the all-in-one approach or prefer a dedicated tool for each job? You no longer have to guess! By getting all eight data recovery tools in a single pack, you’ll be able to use the most appropriate tool to handle each job. Recover pictures, documents, spreadsheets, restore information from hard drives and memory cards by using a tool best suited for the job!

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Register guna keygen
4. Done.





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