JoyToKey 6.9.2 Full Version
JoyToKey (atau Joy2Key) membolehkan controllers permainan PC meniru input keyboard dan tetikus, supaya aplikasi windows dan permainan web boleh dikawal dengan joysticks kegemaran anda! Setiap kali butang joysticks dan sticks ditekan, JoyToKey menukarnya menjadi keyboard strokes dan/atau pergerakan tetikus supaya aplikasi sasaran akan berfungsi seolah-olah anda menggunakan keyboard dan tetikus sebenar! JoyToKey 6.9.2 Full Version.
Button Assignment Window
For each joystick button, you can assign a keyboard input or a mouse input. For keyboard emulation, it can be a single keyboard input (e.g. ‘X’ key in the example below), or it can be a combination of multiple keys like Alt+F4, or it can be a special purpose key such as “PRINT SCREEN” key. Similarly, mouse emulation mode will enable you to assign mouse cursor movement, or wheel movement, or left/middle/right click.
Auto Setting Wizard
Auto Setting Wizard will help you to configure basic key assignments in less than a minute!
Associate profiles to target applications
JoyToKey can automatically switch an active profile based on the current focused application. In order to configure it, go to menu: Settings -> Associate profiles with applications.
Virtual joysticks (a.k.a. SHIFT-key function)
Assume your joystick has only 6 buttons, but you want to assign 10 different key inputs to your joystick buttons. What can you do?
Then, you can configure extra key assignments for a virtual joystick number and you can switch the key assignments by pressing a special joystick button (a.k.a. SHIFT-key button).
For example, by default you’re using key/mouse assignments defined for Joystick #1. But in the example below, you can switch to key/mouse assignments defined for Joystick #3 whenever “button 3” is pressed.
Switch across multiple key assignments
JoyToKey allows you to assign two or three sets of key-assignments for a single button, and switch among them in several ways.
Switch in rotation
In the sample screenshot below, key-assignments will rotate as below whenever a button is pressed.
“A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C-> A -> …”
Switch based on press-duration
Input can change depending on how long the button is pressed.
– ex) small jump key if a button is pressed less than 300 milli-seconds
– ex) big jump key if a button is pressed more than 300 milli-seconds
Switch based on analog input level
For analog stick inputs, the assignment can change depending on the analog input level.
– ex) small stick input => slow movement key
– ex) large stick input => fast movement key
Button Alias (Mapping) function – Combine multiple definitions (e.g. “SHIFT + Mouse Wheel”)
How can I configure a horizontal scroll (SHIFT + Mouse Wheel) for a single stick (button) input?
JoyToKey has a powerful function called “Button Alias”, and it can be used for two different scenarios:
- Assign more (virtual) buttons beyond the number of buttons physically available
Assign multiple functions for one button input - For assigning multiple functionalities to a single input (such as SHIFT key input + Mouse cursor/wheel movement), you can define the button alias (mapping) functionality from “Options” -> “Button Mapping”.
For example, in the screenshot below, Button19 is configured to be triggered when stick-left is pressed. Next, let’s assume you configured stick-left as a SHIFT key and Button19 as a wheel rotation. Then, when stick-left is pressed, Button19 will be also triggered, so in total “SHIFT + wheel rotation” will be emulated.
Define a priority among multiple joysticks
In case you have multiple joysticks and you want to always use one of them as “Joystick 2” (or any other joystick number), you can define a priority/preferred number for each device.
(Menu: “Preferences” -> “Configure joysticks”)
What’s New:
Supported OS:
- Windows
How To Install:
- Ekstrak files dan install program
- Register guna key yang disediakan
- Done.
Download Here:
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