PassFab 4EasyPartition Full + Crack

Full Version

PassFab 4EasyPartition Full Version

Selepas menggunakan PC selama bertahun-tahun, pasti terdapat banyak fail yang mungkin anda ingin pindahkan ke PC baharu. PassFab Partition 4EasyPartition boleh merealisasikan migrasi satu klik yang menjimatkan anda daripada menghabiskan berjam-jam memasang semula sistem operasi dan aplikasi. PassFab 4EasyPartition Full Version.


No need to reinstall the system
Transfer data directly without reinstalling the app. Improve efficiency and save your time.

Safely transfer everything
Ensure no business interruption when user migrate system to a more efficient OS. No need to install applications, system configuration file and other files as well.

Migrate OS to SSD/HDD
Safely and easily migrate your data, OS and applications to another hard drive without data loss.

Upgrade to a new large-capacity HDD
Migrate data to a new, larger disk. Efficiently solve your low disk space problem, speed up your computer and make it run faster.

Upgrade to a new high-speed SSD
Replace HDD with SSD, providing you with the easiest and fastest way to boot.

Easy to use
Intuitive interface and step-by-step wizard make system migration with few steps.

What’s New:

  • official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
4. *C:\…\PassFab 4EasyPartition
5. Done.






Download Here:

⇒ [19.1MB] PassFab 4EasyPartition Full | Mirror

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