SmartScore 64 Professional Edition 11.5.98 Preactivated

Full Version

SmartScore 64 Professional Edition 11.5.98 Full Version

SmartScore 64 Pro mengenali skor tanpa sebarang sekatan pada bilangan bahagian atau halaman. Notasi, lirik dan teks yang dikenal dengan ketepatan 99+%*. Proses skor koral, pengaturan band, opera, hymns, muzikal, bahagian instrumental dan solo serta skor konduktor penuh. Imbas, edit, transpose, ekstrak bahagian, laraskan margin halaman dan reformat layout praktikal sebarang skor bercetak. Cetak atau simpan output ke PDF, MusicXML, fail audio MP3, semua dalam beberapa minit. Skor baru anda akan kelihatan hebat dan playback akan berbunyi kaya, bernuansa dan benar-benar-hidup.

SmartScore 64 ialah tool yang sangat diperlukan untuk transkrip, pengatur, pendidik dan menteri muzik. Sama ada anda menggunakannya untuk mengeksport skor ke program notasi lain atau menggunakannya sendiri sepenuhnya, terdapat sangat sedikit SmartScore 64 yang tidak dapat dilakukan. Download demo dan temui kuasanya sendiri. SmartScore 64 Professional Edition 11.5.98 Full Version.


Professional Edition
– Contains everything featured in all our other editions.
– Scan scores directly or process PDF files from the internet.

Full Scores
Scan conductor’s scores, band arrangements, opera folios and chorales directly from inside SmartScore. Recognize, play back and edit PDF or scanned scores including those with optimized systems and transposed instruments. Extract parts to separate SmartScore documents. Save to MusicXML file format and even to .MP3 audio.

Complex Symbols Recognition
Superior recognition and editing of complex symbols such as cross-staff beams, intra-staff voices, key and time signatures including change-of-key and change-of-time.

Intelligent Notation Editor
We worked just as hard in designing a streamlined note editor as we did with building the world’s most accurate recognition engine. Symbols, tools, controls and powerful dialog-driven functions are easily accessible with a single click or with keyboard shortcuts. We cut through the clutter so you don’t have to.

Easy-to-use Score Structure
Manage your score in a simple hierarchy. Extract parts graphically by selecting only the parts you want, creating a new document without touching the original. Add parts and control their visibility. Re-link parts when systems get broken due to scanning errors.

Chord Editor
Includes precision recognition of chord symbols and guitar fret diagrams as well as text-only chord symbols. Chord symbols instantly update when you transpose key signatures, even across multiple key changes. Easily add or edit existing configurations with the Chord Editor. Display only fret diagram or chord name or both.

Page Formatting and Setup
Reformat page layouts simply and easily. Choose from several pre-formatted page types or customize your own layout. Easily adjust system and staffline spacing, margins and widths. Change landscape-portrait page orientations and still maintain perfectly centered music. Produce engraver-quality print and PDF output. Maintain all page formatting when you import SmartScore MusicXML files into your favorite notation program.

Input / Output Options
Transpose and print directly from SmartScore. Save as MIDI or MusicXML and open your scores in Finale, MuseScore, Sibelius or any other notation program supporting MusicXML. Export to Type 1 or Type 0 MIDI files as well as XF MIDI files for Yamaha keyboards. You can even convert playback to MP3 files!

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Just install
2. Done.






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