Wise Auto Shutdown

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Wise Auto Shutdown

Dengan Wise Auto Shutdown anda boleh menjadualkan komputer anda dengan mudah untuk shut down, log off, restart, sleep, dan close power pada bila-bila masa yang anda inginkan (harian, pada masa yang ditetapkan, atau beberapa masa kemudian). Selepas anda mulakan tugas, Wise Auto Shutdown akan berjalan di background dan double-click akan mendapat interface utama kembali dari tray ke desktop. Sudah pasti, Wise Auto Shutdown akan mengingatkan anda pilihan anda lima minit sebelum ia menjalankan tugas automatik. Wise Auto Shutdown


Easy to use
Wise Auto Shutdown has only one main interface and all its features are on the main interface.

Able to finish various tasks
Wise Auto Shutdown can finish various tasks such as shutdown, restart, logoff, sleep and close power.

Various ways to specify time
You can specify the time in different ways to execute your task, for example, daily, at a specific time, or some time later.

A warm and timely reminder
Wise Auto Shutdown will remind you five minutes before it executes your task.

Silent running mode
Wise Auto Shutdown will run silently in the background. And you just need to double click the icon on the tray if you want to view its main screen.

What’s New:

Supported OS:

  • Windows






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