Abelssoft AntiRansomware 2022 v22.04.41398 Preactivated

Full Version

Abelssoft AntiRansomware 2022 v22.04.41398 Full Version

Abelssoft AntiRansomware. Ransomeware merupakan trojan yang direka untuk blackmailing anda. Apabila ia memasuki komputer anda, semua file anda akan dikunci dan anda akan dipaksa untuk membayar sejumlah wang yang ditetapkan untuk mendapatkan kunci untuk membuka file anda. Ransomeware merupakan ancaman jenayah cyber terbaru dan boleh dianggap sebagai ” scareware” kerana memaksa anda membayar pampasan dengan menakutkan dan mengancam anda. Melalui Abelssoft AntiRansomware 2022 v22.04.41398 Full Version, semua ini dapat dicegah, Ia direka khas untuk membunyikan penggera sebaik sahaja ada aktiviti mencurigakan dikesan berlaku dalam sistem anda.


Guarding your files in the background
While especially new Ransomware doesn’t get recognized correctly by many AntiVirus-applications in time, AntiRansomware has a background guard that uses sophisticated algorithms to detect the patterns all Ransomware uses to protect your system even from brand-new Ransomware 24/7.

The double net against Ransomware
Is Ransomware detected on your system, an emergency routine is started to stop the running encryption and to give you valuable information on how to deal with the malware.

Background Guard
The background guard continuously scans for suspicious changes and clues for Ransomware.

Easy configuration
As Ransomware mainly encrypts private user files, AntiRansomware automatically monitors four user-folders, where your photos, documents, videos, etc. are located. Additionally, you can choose more folders to be observed, in case you store your images, etc. in other locations.

Smart algorithms
To detect Ransomware, sophisticated algorithms are necessary. Our security specialists in-depth analysed 83 different types of Ransomware in our computer research labs.

Same as viruses and malware, Ransomware also constantly is getting more dangerous. That’s why we do the same with AntiRansomware, constantly improving it to face the most current threats, and provide you with RansomLiveUpdates®.

What’s New:

  • Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Supported OS:

  • Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7


How To Install:

1.  Just Install.
2. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [4.4MB] Abelssoft AntiRansomware 2022 v22.04.41398 Preactivated | Mirror

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