Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Version
Adalah aplikasi all-in-one yang meningkatkan prestasi PC anda dengan membersihkan, mengoptimakan, melajukan dan melindungi sistem anda termasuk keselamatan privasi online anda. Dengan pendekatan 1-klik, anda dapat mengimbas dan membaiki masalah seperti start-up yang perlahan, kesalahan registry, masalah spyware dan lain-lain. Anda juga dapat melayari website dengan selamat dan tanpa iklan yang menjengkelkan melalui fungsi Surfing Protection dan Ads Remover yang ada pada Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Version. Perlindungan lain termasuklah Browser Anti-tracking, Homepage Advisor dan lain-lain. Ia juga memonitor prestasi PC anda melalui Performance Monitor Monitors yang mana secara terus anda dapat melihat penggunaan ram serta cpu. Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Version.
- Keeps your PC running at peak performance. Fully optimizes Windows for ultimate system performance and top Internet speed by unleashing the built-in power of your system, based on how you use your PC and your network configuration. It turns your PC into a business PC, a productive workstation, an entertainment center, a game machine, or a scientific computing PC.
- Defends PC security with extra protection. Detects and analyzes Windows security environment. Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files in order to prevent spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious programs on your computer. Erases and updates your PC’s activity histories.
- One click to solve as many as 11 common PC problems. Advanced SystemCare inherits the ease-of-use from previous versions, with more powerful capabilities. With one click, it scans and repairs ten PC problems and protects your PC from hidden security threats.
- Real-time optimization with ActiveBoost function. ActiveBoost, technology that actively runs in the background intelligently managing system resources in real-time, constantly detects inactive resources and optimizes CPU and RAM usage.
- More than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance. Advanced SystemCare integrates IObit’s latest Toolbox, with more than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance as well as advanced needs. The Toolbox feature has tools for system cleaning, optimizing and repairing, tools for security enhancement, and tools for full control over the PC system.
- Cloud technology to keep database up-to-date. The new “Cloud” technology ensures the database is kept updated at all times so that you can benefit from the latest definitions and configurations.
- Boost your PC for working and gaming. You now have two Turbo Boost options, Work Mode and Game Mode. In addition, you can now adjust the configuration of each mode from the main screen.
- Next-generation registry deep clean and optimizer. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Finds and fixes the registry errors that other utilities miss with “Deep Scan” technology.
- Automatically works in the background. This powerful utility works continuously, automatically and quietly in the background on your PC. You can set the program on a regular schedule or just let it work automatically when your PC is idle.
- New UI technology for quicker start and less resource usage! With the new UI technology, Advanced SystemCare will start up faster using fewer system resources.
- New architecture and re-written source codes for 32bit/64bit system! These improvements will make your PC work more efficiently and steadily, stabilizing even older systems.
- Improved Care module with more powerful clean and optimization functions. The new developments in the “Care” module include features such as “Start-up Optimization”, which will scan and clean your PC much more effectively.
- Powerful hard drive defragmentation. Fast, powerfully and incredibly effective Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives – up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.
Features Of RePack:
Type: installation | unpacking.
Languages: ML.
Cut: nothing.
Activation: done.
What’s New:
- Redesigned UI – provides better visual effects and brings a more user-friendly experience
- New Health Checker – helps you 1-click to check PC health for comprehensive PC cleaning, optimization, and protection
- Junk File Clean – newly supports Able2Extract, BlueStacks, Winzip PDF Pro, etc. to free up more valuable disk space
- Privacy Sweep – newly supports Google Drive, VMware Player, Telegram, etc. to better protect your privacy
- Startup Optimization – manages more startup items and services with a larger database to make your PC boot faster and run more smoothly
- Anti-Spyware – expands its database to remove more spyware for a more secure system
- Software Updater – newly supports updating Audacity, Google Drive, jetAudio Basic, OBS Studio, PotPlayer, SABnzbd, Slack, and Signal
- Surfing Protection – adds the protection for Yandex/AOL/Ask search engine and tens of domains of Google search
- Ads Removal – newly supports blocking YouTube ads
- Email Protection – adds the protection for AOL,, Yandex, and Zoho emails
- Supports 37 localized languages
- And more can be discovered by you
Supported OS:
- Windows
How To Install:
1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai (exit juga pada taskbar)
3. Jalankan Stop_Services sebagai admin
4. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
5. *C:\…\IObit\Advanced SystemCare
6. Done
Download Here:
⇒ [59.2MB] Advanced SystemCare Pro Full | Mirror
⇒ [66.2MB] Advanced SystemCare Pro RePack | Mirror