InPixio Photo Cutter 10.4.7612.27901 Preactivated

Full Version

InPixio Photo Cutter 10.4.7612.27901 Full version

InPixio Photo Cutter membolehkan anda menghasilkan photomontages kreatif dan realistik hanya dalam beberapa klik. Terima kasih kepada gunting digital yang kuat ini, tidak ada lagi masa yang terbuang untuk memotong gambar anda ke piksel terdekat kerana Photo Cutter melakukan semuanya untuk anda. Masa yang dijimatkan dapat dikhaskan untuk menghasilkan photomontages asli yang pasti akan menarik perhatian rakan dan keluarga anda. InPixio Photo Cutter 10.4.7612.27901 Full version.


Cutting out in a few clicks
With inPixio Photo Cutter, your digital scissors, cut out any detail, individual, object or even landscape in your photos. Select the outline of the person using the slider or the background to erase, and the Photo Cutter algorithm then runs automatically! Conversely, you can use the “keep” slider for important features to make sure your cut-out is perfect. Even hair, drops of water and the finest details are removed from the background down to the nearest pixel.

Choose a background
Then put the cut objects on the available backgrounds to make photomontages or collages in an instant! Just select your background pattern from the new original images, or download your own images for unique photomontages. New backgrounds are available in version 9 and plain backgrounds of each colour have been added.

Even easier use and infinite creations
You can now import multiple photos in a single edit for spectacular and unexpected results. Also find over 100 stickers and text templates to add style to your photos and photomontages. Original content for every special occasion (birthdays, greetings, invitations, etc.).

Mini video Tooltips
To get the most out of Photo Studio 10’s features, mini videos have been added to each of the software program’s modules in the form of tooltips, making it easier and more effective to use.
The old and new features of the program are explained in a fun and dynamic way. Simply hover over one of the features to reveal a demonstration of what you can do with it.

NEW! Help Tool
A detailed and regularly updated database is now accessible in 1 click from the interface. This resource anticipates potential user questions and provides complete answers, once again to offer improved assistance.

NEW! Video tutorials available for each Photo Studio module
To help you get the best out of the features of Photo Studio, tutorials have been added to a new section for user support, providing a simpler and more effective way to get started.

Supported OS:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10


How To Install:

1.Just install




Download Here:

⇒ [214.3MB] InPixio Photo Cutter 10.4.7612.27901 Preactivated | Mirror

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