Macsome Amazon Music Downloader 2.5.1 Full + Patch

Full Version

Macsome Amazon Music Downloader 2.5.1 Full Version

Dengan Macsome Amazon Music Downloader, anda boleh mendownload lagu, playlist dan album dari Amazon Music Unlimited & Prime Music, kemudian menyimpannya ke fail audio biasa. Oleh itu, anda boleh memindahkan muzik dari Amazon ke pelbagai pemain dan peranti, seperti pemain MP3, PS5, Xbox One, iPhone, iPod, dll. Macsome Amazon Music Downloader 2.5.1 Full Version.


Convert Amazon Music to MP3, AAC, FLAC and WAV
Amazon Music Downloader is a powerful Amazon Music Converter as well. It is specially designed to convert Amazon songs, albums and playlists to MP3, AAC, FLAC and WAV with high output quality. You don’t have to install Amazon Music application. With an embedded Amazon player, you can directly choose the Amazon songs you’d like after log into your Amazon Music account.

Preserve All ID3 Tags After Conversion
It is very easy to keep ID3 tags while the Amazon music conversion finished. The ID3 tags could include a title, an album title, the artist (author), genre, cover art, the year recorded and other details that are useful for you to organize your music library. What’s more, Macsome also enables you to sort out the converted Amazon songs by Artist, Album, Artist/Album, Album/Artist or simply save all the songs under the same folder.

What’s New:

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Exit setelah selesai
4. Copy kandungan patch ke folder program
5. *C:\…\Macsome\Macsome Amazon Music Downloader\resources\\native
6. Apply patch
7. Done.





Download Here:

⇒ [91.0MB] Macsome Amazon Music Downloader 2.5.1 Full | Mirror

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