FoneDog Toolkit for iOS 2.1.78 Full + Crack

Full Version

FoneDog Toolkit for iOS 2.1.78 Full Version

Perbaiki iPhone dan iPad anda kembali ke status normal tanpa kehilangan data apabila anda memenuhi kod ralat iTunes, iPhone stuck dalam mod recovery, logo Apple, dll. (iOS 13 Disokong.) FoneDog Toolkit for iOS 2.1.78 Full Version.


Two Ways to Fix Your iOS System Issues
This software will detect your device is in a normal state or not. You have two modes to fix your iPhone/iPad back to normal status. “Standard mode” will fix your device without data loss. “Advanced mode” will fix your device when Standard mode fails, but all data of your device will be erased.

Easily Repair Your iOS System at Home
You don’t need to go to the Apple Support Center. Just connect your iPhone to PC and launch FoneDog iOS System Recovery. It will detect your device needs to be repaired or not. To fix iPhone system issues to normal, just 3 steps: Choose a repair mode–>Download the firmware–>Fix your device back to normal.

System Requirements:

  • Windows OS: Windows (64bit)
  • Others: Apple Device Driver & iTunes pre-installed


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
4. *C:\…\FoneDog\FoneDog Toolkit – iOS Data Recovery
5. Done.





Download Here:

32bit ⇒ [51.6MB] FoneDog Toolkit for iOS 2.1.78 Full  | Mirror
64bit ⇒ [42.5MB] FoneDog Toolkit for iOS 2.1.78 Full  | Mirror

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