USB Secure 2.2.1 Full + Keygen

Full Version

USB Secure 2.2.1 Full Version

Di mana terdapat USB Drive, pasti ada USB Secure! USB Secure dapat melindungi USB Drive dengan password. Perlindungan tidak bergantung kepada PC, tidak memerlukan pemasangan dan tidak memerlukan hak pentadbir di hujung yang lain. Jangan bimbang lagi tentang USB Drive yang hilang atau dicuri jika anda telah melindunginya dengan USB Secure. USB Secure berfungsi dengan semua jenis media mudah alih seperti USB Flash drives, Thumb drives, Memory stick, External drives dan Kad Memori. USB Secure 2.2.1 Full Version.


USB Security without all the bells and whistles
A minimilistic user interface that asks you for password when opening a USB Drive. No need to install program once its there and no need for administrative privileges.

Virtual Drive option to make things faster
Choose between unlocking or just access the locked files in a virtual drive. This plug and play feature is handy if you fear from data loss in case if USB drive is removed from the PC abruptly.

Works on all disk types; FAT32, NTFS, EXFAT or FAT
The product works on FAT/FAT32/NTFS drive types and all types of USB and External drives. No matter how much data you have, it will be password protected in seconds.

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Matikan antivirus dan koneksi internet
2. Ekstrak files
3. Plug in Usb anda
4. Install dan jalankan program
5. Register guna keygen
6. Block program dengan firewall
7. Done.





Download Here:

⇒ [1.4MB] USB Secure 2.2.1 Full | Mirror

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